Thursday, November 29, 2012

You Mad Br--- Oh Shut UP!!!

I've been playing a lot of Call of Duty recently, and I cannot stop laughing at the people online that I randomly play with. These guys get so angry within a heartbeat, I cannot understand why that is. I'm going to go off on a limb here and tell you all that I don't really give a damn if I'm the best first-person shooter or not, I just like to play. The only time the game annoys me is when the damn lag starts acting up and I know I knifed someone first. However, I don't sit on my couch, screaming into my head set, "You fucking faggot" at least fifty times to one person that got a cheap shot on me.
Here's something I thought was really funny when I was playing with my boyfriend and a few other friends the other day, and I'm not trying to be racist here at all but you have to believe this is somewhat true. We recently discovered that if you're a gay black man, the online folks will love you. The amount of times I heard the words "faggot" and "nigger" pop up was astronomical. I'm not sure if they really truly believe that all the people they play against is black, or they think that the word serves other purposes. I was just hoping that they would change their vocabulary soon. But unfortunately, they never did, which disappointed me because I really wanted to hear something different.

Actually, I take that back, someone actually called me a "fucking slut" because I knifed them in the back while playing "Sticks and Stones." Sorry mate, you left yourself open... I always say that to myself when I get someone with a knife. It's too funny, well for me that is.

I don't know why these two words have to repeat themselves, especially the word "nigger." I can tell when I'm playing against someone that is black because they have a distinct voice, however, when I know I'm playing against a bunch of nerdy ten-year-olds, there's no way one of them has to be black, so using the word "nigger" serves absolutely no purpose. And even when there is a black person in the game, they honestly don't get offended by it, why? Well, simple, they obviously don't take shit from other people, just like me.

I've been called a "bitch" before all because I was in the lead as a very low level. I'll admit, it's really fun taking any of the top three places while being an extremely low level user, and it probably hurts a lot of people's feelings when they see that. But you know, calling me a "bitch" because I'm better than you doesn't make any difference whatsoever, nor does it bother me. It just shows that you can't handle someone being better than you. It's quite laughable to hear the mad reactions from these users becuase honestly, they get so fucking pissed off that it's great. I just sit back, put my headset on mute, and just hear all the shit these guys throw out of their mouths. At times I want to respond to them, but I know it's totally not worth it because I know how it's going to go down:

I say something that makes them aware that they're getting so angry over a video game, they'll either respond back to me that I'm a fucking whore who needs to go back into the kitchen or just shout some more profanity with them thinking that it's really hurting my widdle feelings.

When I hear something that's absolutely original is when I'll actually start caring about the name callings, but I haven't heard anything new from any of these guys. When you overuse the words "fuck," "faggot," "bitch," "nigger," and "asshole," they really don't affect me that much as you think it should be. I just normally shake my head, laugh a bit, and go hunt down some more people who have a hard time understanding that it's just a game.

I have yet to hear anyone use the phrase, "you mad bro?" I'm waiting for someone to use it... or is this the wrong game to hear that?

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