Thursday, September 12, 2013

The Dickest Move In Video Game History

Sure, there have been moments where you're so outrage that the series ended the way it did or they killed off a favorite character. What I've experienced, I don't think a killed off character or a series ending could top this one.

I'm giving you the heads up, I'm spoiling the ending of Heavy Rain... well, one of the endings. So if you haven't played the game and want to, don't read this.

Anyways, so, let's say you've beaten the game where these events happened: You started a relationship with Paige, both of them survived in the end, you did not save Shaun in the end. You get this depressing ending where Paige and Ethan are standing over Shaun's grave and mourning.

Now, here's the part that A.) Makes me not like Paige at all after this and B.) Has to be by far the dickest thing to say to anyone during a mournful moment.

She has the audacity to turn to Ethan and asks him to give her a baby. Yeah, right there and then, she asks to create life over the grave of Ethan's youngest child. "I want to have a son with you, with your eyes, and blah blah blah."

The eldest son was killed in an auto accident, and Shaun couldn't be saved in time before he drowned, you really think he's in the mood to hear you ask him to make a kid with you? How... how is that even possible for a person to think like that on a grave of a young kid? And it's not like she was asking him in a way where she sounded like she was in mourning over Shaun's death, she was talking to him as if it didn't matter that Ethan's other son died in front of his eyes.

To make matters even worse for this situation is that Ethan asks Paige for him to be alone for a little bit, she actually gives him his space. She walks away from him. When she turns around, she sees him loading a pistol and blasting it in his head, killed instantly. She's screaming and crying and running after him.

But is she upset that he just killed himself or over the fact that she can't get pregnant by him after she asks over his son's own grave?

Sure, there might be other dick moments in video games that you might think is worse than this, but I don't see anything more dick-like than having someone asking you to make another life in the world after you just lost two within several months from each other that you happened to witnessed... in some manner of course.

And this is why I played Heavy Rain with a walkthrough so I could purposely avoid this ending. It's not only a dickish ending, it's also a very depressing ending, even though this game is already depressing (only, it gets much better when you're playing as NAH-man, ahem, Norman Jayden, and surprisingly Paige Madison.) Believe me, I know that there are other dick moments in video games, such as Colonel Volgin making Naked Snake pee his pants in the torture cell or that Berri never gets resurrected in Conker's Bad Fur Day but... I just feel this was the worse moment ever for a video game to have.
