Monday, November 5, 2012

Decapitating Confusion Of Zombie Killings

I dunno, I'm debating whether or not it's worth having Resident Evil 6 as a present for me when my birthday comes up. I mean, I am a fan of the series, no doubt about that, but the last two games that recently came out for the series, I wasn't a big fan of them. I'm pretty sure you've all read my review about Operation: Raccoon City, and I haven't really played that much of the fifth game due to the lackluster additions that they provided in the game.

I guess I just don't want to be disappointed again. The game has obviously gone away from what it used to be, I get that, and I'm not really that bothered by it. However, at least don't design the game to where it freaking sucks like the fifth game. I'm sorry, but I was not happy when I found out that they had to censor a few things since the fourth game was that scary towards some people. I didn't like that.

Of course, you can tell that I'm against censorship. So Leon gets his head decapitated by Dr. Salvador, a character I've come to be afraid of when I hear him coming. Now, when Chris or Sheva gets their heads decapitated... you don't see it... at all... why? Because people thought that it was too fucking scary in the previous game to continue having it here.

Seriously? You have games like God of War and Manhunt existing and you think a puny head decapitation is really scary? Okay. I thought that the fifth game was going to double what the fourth had... despite that I'm not that big of a fan of the Redfields. Still, it wouldn't have killed to leave that in untouched.

It's things like that minor detail that makes me want to see if the sixth game is really worth getting into.


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