Thursday, March 28, 2013

Infinitely Fun!!!

I'm warning you now, I'm spoiling a few things about Bioshock: Infinite. If you do not want to be spoiled, please keep reading, thank you!!!

Oh my was Bioshock Infinite amazing to play. I totally enjoyed Columbia a lot more than Rapture, mainly because it just seemed a heck more interesting to understand its history and more visually spectacular to look at. I mean, every now and then I found myself stopping for a few seconds just to look at the scenery. Plus, with the last two games, the character you take in control just didn't seem... interesting to play as.

I mean, let's face it. With Jack, you're a slave, with Subject: Delta, playing as a Big Daddy was fun for the most, annoying with the remainder of the game. But with Booker DeWitt, this guy just seemed so much fun to play as, maybe it's just got to do with the character interactions throughout the game. I just felt that having a character that seemed to be more of a livelier character was more fun to play as rather than two mutes.

With the story, I'm being honest here, it confused me for a little bit, but I totally get it. Booker is Comstock, Elizabeth is his daughter Anna... and honestly... I saw it coming... pretty much around the time that Booker drowns Comstock in the fountain, I knew that Elizabeth was his daughter... And if she is his daughter, then that means that Comstock is him. But hey, I'm not disappointed, Bioshock has a way in making twist endings, and this one certainly made me happy. Towards the end of the credits, you get another scene, making you think if this was another reality or not. Ooh, Inception... dum dum dum dum DUM DA DUMMMM... I never saw the movie.

My only complaint... I wish there was more interaction with Songbird. I LOVED that creature, especially when you find out about the word "CAGE" and that... Ugh, I wish there was more interaction with that creature, maybe a fight or something could have made me a little happy, but hey... that damn thing should have killed me when he tossed me into a tower. There's no way Booker should have been alive after that! Haha, I really liked the part where you have to defend your ship while heading towards Monument Island and you're telling Songbird to crash into enemies and such. The only enemy I hated fighting in this game are those damn Patriots. I think I missed reading somewhere telling me that the most damage you can do to it is shooting it in the back. It wasn't until much later in the game, pretty much that defending scene, was where I found out that shooting those things in the back damages it a lot quicker than shooting them in the front. Also, those turrets were also driving me crazy every so often.

I did enjoy the new powers that you had, my favorite had to be the shock ability, mainly because when you place the traps down, they do some heavy damage, and it's fun setting them down in places and watching your enemies walk right through them. I also liked the fact that you didn't have to rely on finding ADAM to buy your powers and upgrades, you just rely on collecting money, which isn't that hard to find throughout Columbia. Even Elizabeth helps you find money throughout your adventure. So upgrading your powers and guns shouldn't be a difficult thing to do, as long as you're smart about spending them...

I really thought they did an awesome job with this game, and I certainly hope that the series continues. To end the series here would be extremely disappointing because I know they can do so much more. I just really thought this game was the best out of the three. I loved the new area, the new challenges and the fact that my character I'm playing as actually is a guy I can have fun playing with rather than feel sorry for. I mean with Jack, you feel sorry for him when you find out that he's a slave, obeying kindly towards Jack Fontaine. With Delta, you felt sorry for what Sophia did to him and his daughter. I don't want to feel sorry for my characters, I want to be angry along with them to get to the end and drive a bullet through the brains of those idiots... Like Booker here... Even though the ending... I did feel sorry for him. But that's just because he gets drowned by three Elizabeths. Haha, still, I really loved this game.


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