Monday, October 8, 2012

Butt Stallions!

Yeap, from that name I'm sure those who already played Borderlands 2 knows where it comes from. Got my Playstation back. Turns out the laser was the problem so they fixed it AND gave me two gelpads for my joysticks. It's just the number six logo from Resident Evil 6. Turned one of them into a nine so I got sixty-nine on my sticks. Heh!

Anyways, so far, I'm liking what I've been seeing with Borderlands 2. I'm not really digging the whole Maya character as much because I feel that she's just utterly weak compared to Lilith. That or I'm just finding myself entering a bunch of group shootings and getting my butt tossed around like a rag doll or whatever. I do say though that having her special giving me health if I kill the guy in the orb is a bit helpful in these situations.

I'm really liking the improvements they have with the jumping. Before, you're jumping on the moon, this time, you're not jumping as high or as slow. I also like how if you shoot down an enemy to around ten percent of his/her health, they walk slowly towards you, so it's not like they have infinite stamina. The car is also better improved, it doesn't feel like it always gets stuck to everything when you're driving.

I've only touched Maya and a little bit of Zer0, and they're real fun to play as. The other two characters I haven't experienced yet, although I got the boyfriend playing with me one day and he chose Salvador, he didn't really tell me what he thought about him.

Any who, the game is kind of in a slump right now because I'm doing side missions, not the main ones, I do like that you have an option on some of them. Would you rather turn in the mission to this guy or to this. Get this reward or that? It gives it more of a better feel for an RPG kind of thing, rather than do this mission, complete the mission, turn it in, reward. I mean, sure, that's what WoW does but, not every RPG needs to be like that game.

My review about Borderlands 2 is going to be a bit short because I haven't really experienced too much of the game. Sure you're bumping into characters from the first game, the new ones are welcomed into the Borderlands family, the hilarity is back, the new guns are awesome to shoot with... I'm also liking the whole, "reload this gun and they toss it out like a grenade towards the enemies." I thought that was a nifty new feature. I haven't come across any of the talking guns yet, but when I do, I think I'll be laughing my butt off like normal.

Annnnnnnnd.... that's it! What, you thought I was going to say "open?" What's there to open?


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