So, let's talk about who you play as first, shall we? You get to play as three characters: Michael, Trevor, and Franklin. My personal favorite is Michael, mainly because he reminds me a lot of Tommy Vercetti from Vice City, and of course I have to like Trevor. Who doesn't? Franklin has his moments, but they're not as memorable as Trevor's randomness or Michael's random outbursts with his family.
When you choose to another character, you get them to be at some random location doing something random. I think the best so far is Trevor waking up on a railing in his underpants and combat boots. I didn't even have him dressed as that, he just randomly dressed like that. Michael tends to be around his car a lot and Franklin either plays with his dog Chop or gets drunk.
There's one thing I wanted to mention about a supporting character: Jimmy DeSanta, Michael's son:
When I was playing this game from the beginning, Michael's son Jimmy sounded very familiar, so I had to look up the name, and I was right all along. He's voiced by Danny Tamberelli, the kid who got his fame from All That and Pete and Pete.
The missions are awesome. I really enjoy going on heists because it's not like the others where you just get a gang at random and go right for the bank. You get to choose who you want to go based on what you want. Do you want a gunman who can shoot quite well or poorly? Do you want a hacker that can get the job done or messes up a bit? Depending on how well they are based on the percentage you see, the more money you get to whip out to them after the job is finished. However, you can always be cheap and stick with the poor guys. With me, I want to get the job done, so of course I am going to pick the guys that can hold their own during these heists.
I love that you can replay the missions to get a better rank. You get a copper, silver, or gold rank depending on your actions during the mission. Get a lot of headshots, do some random stunts, complete within this time, be the first to finish the line all plays a great part in getting a better rank. And if you feel like you want to do better, like I said, you have the option to go back and replay these missions.
Los Santos
All right, I'm getting this out there, this whole area is fucking huge. If you were to put this city out in real life, Los Santos would be as big as New York City. This is a giant city, it literally takes you real life minutes to get to a certain spot depending on where you need to go. I had to take five minutes of my real time to get to a mission halfway across the city. It's huge, and I am glad that there are no barriers restricting you to a particular part of the city unlike the fourth one did. I was never a fan that you had to unlock parts of the city to progress. With this game, you just have the giant place in your face! Bam!
I really enjoy driving through the woods, seeing the wildlife and tasering cows... but not enjoying that Trevor keeps getting mauled by cougars.
My One Issue
There's only one problem I have with this game, and it's not that I can't access GTA Online well. It's the damn police. Before, the cops were not that much of an issue in the previous games, they were quite easy to get away from... But with this game, I really haven't liked cop chases.
First off, when you run away from them, you're immediately bumped to a two star wanting, which I don't get. In the fourth game, the only time you get bumped to a two start wanting is if you're already putting your arms up when a cop draws his gun on you and you begin to run away from them. With this, it's just when you drive or walk pass them, they're immediately firing at you.
Another problem is the actual car chasing. They are annoying. They don't stop ramming their cars into you and I cannot stand that. Cars already have an issue of acting really heavy, you can't really back into a cop car thinking that you can just push it away when they have you pinned. No, your car stays there and is pinned down and you cannot get out. They will get you pinned eventually.
Losing them is also an annoyance. You don't really have that much of an area to get out of in order to lose the cops. You just have to keep driving and work your way around areas that are off the map such as allies or fields. You have to drive in areas you wouldn't think a cop would drive to in order to find you. That's how you lose them. Once you have them questioning where you're at, you'll just see the cop's search cone moving all over the map. Just don't get yourself caught in that cone, otherwise it's back to running away from them.
And that's really my issue with this game.
Worthy Enough To Get It?
You damn better get it.
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