I've been a fan of the series since the original. But what's funny to note is that I only like two games out of the entire series. Sure, there has been some games I haven't touched, and if I haven't touched, I can't judge. But I've played 1-Black... and let me tell you, the original and the second one are the two games that I can enjoy playing. The others... not so much. I'll tell you why.
With three, 989 Studios really fucked it up by adding nothing but rock/metal music in their soundtrack. The first two games didn't have that. Sure, some of the tunes were tolerable (at the time I was a Rob Zombie fan) and Microwave is still a favorite of mine, but that's just the thing. The first two games never had an actual soundtrack like that, it was just music. And I liked that because it made the levels more exciting to play. Twisted Metal 2's Antarctica is my favorite level in that game, and the music during that level made the level more dangerous and scary for those who dreaded upon it. But let's say, you throw in some random band... it's not as intimidating as it would have been had there just be music and not lyrics.
Also, the characters are so fucking stupid. Flower Power, a nature freak that joins the tournament to end it once and for all to save the forest. Firestarter, a pyromanic that took away Thumper's special. Auger, another construction worker. Club Kid, a guy who's obsessed with partying. These guys were not fun to play as. Not to mention, all of the character's endings sucked as well. The one that was unbearable to watch was Sweettooth's. Now, I understand that the second game, his ending was whacky, but it was made in a way where that was funny. He got transformed into a bug because he wanted some peace and quiet. The second game knew how to throw in comedy with their endings because Calypso loves to screw around with everyone's ending. With the third, however, his corrupting grants were just horrible and not evil. In the second game, Hammerhead's ending was that the two drivers wanted the ability to fly. With that, Calypso granted their wishes. They jumped off the building they were standing on and fell to their deaths, thinking that they had the ability to fly. What they didn't know, was that Calypso instead gave them two plane tickets. That is how corrupted he is, but with an ending like Flower Power's, who wanted the Twisted Metal tournament to end because it destroys the nature life, he instead made a giant man-eating plant go after Amber Rose... That's not being evilly corrupted, that's just being fucking rude.
Even the reception of the game itself didn't even get good remarks. The game scored low in a lot of reviews, and I don't blame them for disliking the game. 989 Studios really did a horrible number to the series. And it only gets worse.
With 4, it just got even more unbearable to play. And I can't believe my brother and I thought this game was actually good when the game came out. Looking back, I can honestly say it was a mistake owning that game.
First off, the tournament isn't even hosted by Calypso, Sweettooth is now in control of it. And may I add, he doesn't even look like Sweettooth, just a generic evil looking clown who's got a giant smile on his face and juggling. He doesn't talk whatsoever, just some random clown. Seriously? Why can't Sweettooth talk? But you want to know what's even worse? Calypso is a playable character. You can control Calypso... No...
You have a bunch of new characters that I don't ever want to see return again. You have a drag queen, a pizza delivery boy, a nuclear family, even Rob fucking Zombie himself is a playable character. The names of these characters aren't even creative whatsoever: Mr. Zombie, Drag Queen, The Joneses, Trash Man, Micro Blast, Meter Maid, Google Eyes, Quatro, Pizza Boy, and Orbital. There's only two recurring characters, not counting Calypso, and they are Mr. Grimm, who is called "Captain Grimm," in this game, and General Warthog.
I'll just end the bashing here because I really don't want to talk about the game.
Now, the next one in the series was okay in my books, but I just felt that the series should have gone back to its comedic roots as what it had in the original and in the second. However, this time, the game got a lot darker, more serious, more violent... and actually as a Mature rating unlike what it previously had. Of course, this got people's attention, it made Sweettooth have a signature look as a psychotic serial killing clown, which in my opinion, I actually can tolerate. But I do miss the comedy that he brought, despite that he has it in Playstation All-Stars. But this game was too dark for me for this series, and I just for some reason, didn't really like it. It was a good game overall, but I just don't think this series needed to be dark, not after having some really good moments in the original and the sequel. Screw three and four because they don't count.
The new characters were a great touch to the game, as well as recurring characters. I did enjoy Darkside's story a lot because it's an innocent woman who's face is forever trapped in a mask by a corrupted boss that put her there. But what bugs me is that all of these characters are locked in an asylum because of how greatly disturbed they are. Sweettooth obviously being the greatest threat possible in there. That was the one thing that really bugged me. But these characters did have good stories such as Spectre, Bloody Mary who wanted a man that can finally love her. Shadow, who's best friend was killed because she was thought to be a witch and she wants to get revenge. Brimstone, a minister who killed a baby because he thought it was the devil... even thought it wasn't.
It was dark but... just not my cup of tea.
I have yet to play the latest Twisted Metal because after I heard that you only take control of three characters riding in other cars, I thought to myself, that's not what Twisted Metal is. Twisted Metal is a tournament that has a bunch of drivers trying to win for a wish they want to have come true. Please, for the next game, I would definitely like to see Twisted Metal 2 style be what the game is... Granted that I enjoyed seeing Twister's helmet in an ending (I did look up the endings for the characters), still... I want to see more characters be added and go back to what Twisted Metal was all about.
There I said it...
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