Sunday, September 30, 2012

I Spoke Too Soon, But I Became A Farmer Instead

So, my Playstation wasn't fixed from it's reading issue, so it's back in the shop, delaying my Borderlands 2 play even more. But you know what? Tilling made it okay for me to not play the game for a while. You see, I'm going to be in some sort of WoW frenzy for quite some time, at least until the game begins to grow more of a tiresome towards me, and I have no idea when that's going to take place. However, it's not going to stop me from enjoying so much of the new features Mists of Pandaria shows. 

The level cap is now 90, which is okay, so I get five more levels being added. However, I'm not really going to be digging the priests' new move. Void Shift. It's where me and some other player switch health bars for a moment. What? How is that supposed to help me when I'm not in a raid? Damnit, once again priests gets the suckier part of new additions. They never get good looking gear, and I really don't want to rely on transmogging all the time because my gear looks like I just walked out of a circus tent.

A new feature to this game is Tilling. We get to farm, and I found it to be quite an interesting little new feature, despite that I have to wait a day until my scallions grow to its fullness. However, I see that there are a lot of varieties going on with what we can farm, and I cannot wait until my farm grows even larger to experience this.

I am digging the quests and the story behind Mists of Pandaria, they definitely did things much better than Cataclysm. Lets be honest, Cataclysm really just wasn't remotely fascinating whatsoever and it was dreadfully boring. So yes, thumbs up for a new and improve story.

However, I am not digging this double teaming bullshit from the Alliance when I'm trying to do my quests. It seems that the Horde never plays together and the Alliance do. And when they do, they double team the lower leveled characters, mostly a healer and a dps. It pisses me off when I'm facing against a druid and a rogue because it's just not fair. And when you have someone camping the area, making it nearly impossible for you to just quest and not bother them, it just gets so darn annoying.

I hate it when it looks like I'm sucking, but honestly, it's not fair when you immediately attack someone when they just rez and their life and mana meters are down at half full half empty. I'm that kind of player who plays fair... unless you tick me off... then I'll just do the same thing to you if given the chance.

Anyways, yeah, I'm a Blood Elf shadow priest, almost 87 right now. I'm digging what I'm playing, and I WANT MY FREAKING PLAYSTATION BACK!!!


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