I've recently been playing World of Warcraft again after months of being away from it. I miss the fun the game brings at times. But I've certainly not miss a lot of the annoying parts of the game. I'm not talking about how when you've basically reached the "end" part of the game, as in you're all leveled up and got all the good gear for your character. No, I'm talking about when you're doing the Heroics getting the gear!
I'm going to talk about some of the experiences that I have either been through or have seen it with my two eyes. Now, bear with me. I can get over the fact that this is World of Warcraft, quite possibly one of the nerdiest games in existence, but believe me when I say that I can take things to a serious degree while others, not so much. For this game, I don't take one ounce of it as serious as most of the WoW-heads do. I enjoy my time playing my characters, and whenever my brother gets on, I like to play along with him, providing that he doesn't tick me off with the constant orders and such. However, I don't enjoy my game being ruined by a bunch of idiotic strangers who has to be rude for no reason whatsoever. It's why I hardly play online mode with other video games. People are just so goddamn rude and it ruins the fun out of the games. This is one of the reason why I stopped playing WoW for a long time.
One of the experience that I dealt with, happened not too long ago. There's a thing called Heroics, they're specific dungeons that carry more elite enemies and provides a heck of a lot of great goodies for your character to collect, providing that you win the roll of the specific item that drops that is. The whole entire point of a Heroic is to obtain better gear for your character, so that you're able to start raiding soon with your guild. Unfortunately, there's an issue with Heroics at times with certain people... Mostly those who play as a Tank, or DPS that are not a caster. You're going to come across that one player who's not quite as geared as most players are for Heroics. Such as, their gear is somewhat maxed out, while other players managed to reach the level that can allow them to do a Heroic. Mind you, that when you're playing an RPG, (Role-Playing Game for you folks that don't know) your gear has a specific level. Grays are trash, Whites are common, Green is like the first magic gear that comes into play, Blue is Rare, Purple is Epic, and Orange is Legendary, which has a 1% drop rate per item that's that color. Blues and Purples are your basic gear, and when you have a mixture of them, then it shows that you're getting your gear up to all purples. All people that constantly complain are always in Epics. Epics get you into raids. Now, being that I haven't played WoW in such a long time, I'm still wearing a few Rares. But it's not like my entire wardrobe for my character is completely shitty. No. But for some people, it is, and it takes away their fun of the day. The problem that I have with this is that, these guys were once in my character's shoes. They weren't always maxed out with great gear in the past, and I'm pretty sure they were also harassed too. It certainly does suck when some idiot decides they're going to be rude about how you're trying to get epics in a Heroic where the whole entire intention of the part of the game is to obtain better gear!
For some reason, it doesn't sink through in their Easy-Bake Oven head of theirs that I'm trying to get my gear up to date with the max level... Despite that it's going to be low again as soon as the next expansion comes out... Or tier gear, or whatever.
My next issue happens to be the impatient players. I get that there will be groups that you'll come across that knows how to play the entire Heroic from beginning to end. But, when your group is carrying casters, they need to sit out for thirty measly seconds to regain the mana they just lost after a long boss battle. But this doesn't quite go as simple for certain players, i.e. Tanks. I came across this the other day playing a Heroic I have not yet completed. I really enjoyed what I was playing. But after we beaten one of the bosses, the healer and one other caster was not ready. I somewhat was, despite I could have recharged a bit more of my lost mana. The Tank decides that they're not going to wait for the casters to finish what they're doing, and begins attacking a trash mob. Tanks need healers in order to advance throughout the Heroics. No healers obviously equals death. Despite that I play as a priest, I am shadow, which is DPS, which deals damage, which means I DON'T HEAL. I would have liked to switch out of Shadow mode and heal the guy for a bit, but because I am specifically designed for a damaged character and not a healer, my heals would have done absolutely nothing to the guy. So I just stood there and watched him battle away and saw a huge decrease in his health. He decides that he's going to leave the party after managing to wipe the entire party out due to his foolishness behavior of starting to attack a group of four elites without having the rest of the party ready for the move. I've been in a different situation a while ago where the same exact thing happened, except the guy actually talked back to us. He began by blaming everyone doing poorly and taking all the credit for himself. But since I could care less, I just sat back and continue typing "/laugh" while targeting the guy. He eventually left and we managed to continue doing the Heroic with no problems... After all, he was the main problem for being a very poor Tank.
Look guys, we casters can't keep up with you non-casters, we need at least thirty seconds of down time so that we can regain our mana. If you can't wait for thirty measly seconds to run past, twiddle your thumbs or something. But certainly do not start attacking another group without a healer, don't put blame on us when it's your fault, and don't leave the damn party even if you made a mistake.
Last, but not least, I'm going to address kind of a more annoying issue I have to put up with. For playing as a female Blood Elf with a chick name, it kinda leaves me out in the open for some personal attacks of my gender. When guys in this game comes across a girl playing behind the character, they get all delusional and believes that this is the time to whip out their dick-growing abilities and brag how long their Johnson is, when we know that it certainly cannot be over a foot long. Yeah, it's the sexual harassment issue. Sometimes I get people telling me to get back into the kitchen and such, but believe me, the joke has grown so old it really lost its meaning. I mean, I don't take these things so seriously despite that I probably should. But the thing is, how can a stranger, who lives miles away from me, has no clue who I really am, can do any kind of physical harm to me through a computer game? There's two things I can do to prevent this from happening again. I can either report the guy or I can ignore the guy. People take a lot of things way too seriously over the internet, and I can understand. But you guys also have to understand that a lot of this goofballs, have no fucking lives. Majority of them brags about how big their dicks are and how many girls they've fucked over the past, but do you actually believe any of it? No freaking way. I don't because it's the internet. I can pretend to be someone that I'm not and get away with it, all because the people on the other side have no clue who I really am. Granted that, being a girl gamer, guys react a lot differently than when they play with another guy. The jokes crack open and all hell is loose. But, people really shouldn't let this bother anyone. It is annoying, but, you just have to laugh at the people who are honestly wasting their time trying to hit on something that could possibly be a guy pretending to be a girl.
And to be honest, it's really funny when I see a guy trying to hit on my brother when hes playing his female character, who is another priest, and it turns out that he's really a guy behind the character when he reveals that he's a "dude."
People... World of Warcraft is not to be taken so seriously, but I know that I will never get anyone to understand this. Games are meant to be fun, and despite that you need a bit of brains to know how this game works, honestly... it's not that hard to play. But I do wish that there was a level a maturity that needs to be met before anyone could play becuase the immature players really take the fun out of this game. As these examples show you, this is what most of the players have to deal with on a regular basis, and it's reasons why I don't play as much as I should... despite that if I did play as much as I should, I'd be playing a whole lot more... and it woulds seem very unhealthy as well. Hopefully this shows you what goes down in World of Warcraft. I'm not trying to scare anyone by this, but I certainly did want to mention it, just in case you were all wondering.
Despite that I doubt you really were.
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