Monday, May 21, 2012

Are Video Games Really to Blame?

I've done countless of essays and speeches that talks about violence in video games and how it effects ourselves and I must say, those who actually believe that video games actually causes us to become violent people are out of their minds.

I've played dozens of violent video games for years and you don't see me trying to decapitate people, running down pedestrians, or trying to find a gun to shoot someone all because a video game made it look cool.  Video games are not to be blamed here, blame other sources that could cause someone to get out of line.

I'm talking about parents, salesmen, and Jack Thompson.

The reason why I'm blaming the parents is because I'm sick and tired of watching kids play nothing but video games when I'm walking around a store. I literally saw a ten year old being pushed in a stroller all because he's too damn occupied by playing his handheld console, it's really amazing how the mother isn't getting embarrassed at all. It actually seemed like she was proud that her son was just being strolled around as if he was king of the world. I cannot believe that there are parents like that.

If the kid cannot get off the game because there weren't any limits set upon him/her, who's to blame? The parents. You're in control of how many seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, etc., your children plays video games. If you set a limit of how much time they have to play this game, they'd be better kids understanding rules a heck of a lot better rather than having to pry the controller out of the kid's hand when you say "times up" and they've been playing the game for at least eight hours straight. I have witnessed parents getting injured because of their child's reckless behavior after playing long hours of video games, and it's astonishing to see how the parents just don't care that their kid isn't doing anything great for themselves other than developing eye issues.

One last thing to mention about the parents is their amazing ability to ignore the ratings. You see, every video game has to be rated by the ESRB before it gets shipped off into the world. They rate the game depending on the material that you see in the game. If a ten year old is not allowed to see a rated R movie, because the parents say so, but yet they buy the kid a video game that is rated Mature, (which is the same as a rated R movie) what are you trying to prevent to your child by doing that? Nothing, because they'll witness what they can't see in a movie, in their video game. If you want to make sure that your children are not playing video games that deems too violent or graphic for them, by all means, pay attention to the damn rating the game has on both sides of the cover box.

The salesmen are also to blame in this situation because they all have to follow a simple rule that's really easy to follow. Children are NOT allowed to buy video games that they do not meet the age requirements to unless a parent or legal guardian is present. It is against store policy to sell a game to a minor if they don't reach the required age the rating has for it. So right there, it tells you, if a salesmen decides to sell a game to a minor, well guess what, that salesperson can easily get fired by not doing their job properly.

Last but not least, we're going to talk about the video game industry's worst enemy, Jack Thompson. This sonofabitch believes that ALL video games, unless he likes them, are nothing but murder simulators that helps brainwash children's minds to become violent killers. Apparently every singly video game that deems too violent will get branded as a horrible game because Thompson here just despises anything that has to do with violence. I mean, let's take a look at Bully, a very funny and an awesome video game, that has you take role of a kid who kinda has to be a bully to get to the very top of the school. Thompson believed that the game was nothing more but a "bully simulator" that "helps teaches kids how to become a bully." Yet sadly, I've witnessed bullies BEFORE this game even came into our lives. He also thought that this Teen-rated game deserved to be rated Mature due to a hidden thing you can do with the protagonist. Throughout the game, you can make out with several of the girls that are in the game, but there's one BOY that you can manage to make out and such. Thompson wanted this game to be Mature rated because it showed graphic, homosexual material that seemed too disgusting for viewers. He even has some smartass comment to say to Rockstar: We just found gay sexual content in Bully as Jimmy Hopkins makes out with another male student. Good luck with your Teen rating now."

Yes, he said that. So, not only is he nothing more but video game industries' biggest pain in the ass, he's also a homophobe! Great!!!

He also tries to make it seem that video games were the number one cause of certain murders that happened. He tried throwing in things into cases that would automatically get declined or just ignored because he had no significant evidence to even prove that the motives behind the killer was due to excessive video game playing.

I mean, hell, people try pitting Id's Doom on the Columbine killers when Doom wasn't even responsible whatsoever with the two killers at all. Sure, they made a few references to the game every now and then during their shooting spree, and yeah, they made a few maps for Doom (although many have claimed that one of them had made an exact replica of Columbine High School,) but nothing proved that their motives had anything to do with video games. The claims that these guys made a replica of the school by making a map in Doom was proven to be false.

 Video games aren't the reason why people kill. They're just ignorant assholes who had bigger issues than some old geaser trying to say that they were provoked by a violent video game they played. Honest the truth, if you blame video games, then you have to blame the rest of the media. There's nothing that shows video games causes people to kill. Sure, you have those who do say, "This game made me do this," such as the teen couple that killed a four year old they were watching because they were trying to imitate moves they saw in Mortal Kombat... But cases like that rarely happens now and days.

Have some common fucking sense people... It's not the video games that are being caused by this... It's just people who cannot see things that are right in front of them.


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