Would You Kindly... Read My Blog?
Ahh, one of the most successful first-person shooters of this generation, Bioshock, makes an appearance in my video game blogs. This game is probably, in my opinion, one of those games that you can NOT grow bored with. The characters that you face are just so freaking creepy, the atmosphere is even creepier, and the story that this game has is just stunningly beautiful. I’m also glad that each game that’s been released, (or in the process of being made) you’re playing as a different character, playing differently than the other, and is in a situation much different than the previous hero/anti-hero.
Bioshock has you in the underwater city, Rapture, surviving on your own with help from a guy named Atlas. You’re Jack, a man who is currently being a servant to the phrase “Would you kindly.” Jack must survive against the Splicers, one of a few main enemies in the game, as well as the Big Daddies, somewhat of a sub-boss of the game. These guys are freakishly tough and strong, and it requires you to have some sort of a strategy to take them down. You can’t just rush into a room that has a Big Daddy in it and just shoot the living crap out of him, because most games tend to think, “Oh, this is just some random AI that I’m pitted against, all I have to do is just shoot it to kill it.” Well, the developers of Bioshock took that one step further to where you must have at least some sort of a decent strategy to take it down. These Big Daddies are tough because they’re protecting the Little Sisters. These guys are crucial to your survival in Rapture because they’re carrying the single most important item to have to live in Rapture... ADAM.
Let’s talk about ADAM and EVE here for a bit. Shall we...? What was harvested from a sea slug, their unstable stem cells are believed to be carrying a totipotent stem cell that can differentiate into any cell type. They can be genetically manipulated to produce cells that you wouldn’t find in any kind of human bodies. They’re like cancer, destroying cells and creating their own, unstable versions. They hold tremendous powers, although, what holds great power also holds great consequences. The cells that produces these powers also damages or disfigures the people both mentally and physically to the point they stop being human and act more like a higher ordered thinking zombie than can use weapons. You have to keep finding more and more ADAM just to remain sane and healthy. EVE, on the other hand, are modified versions of ADAM. You can collect what are called EVE Hypos to restore your EVE which used to utilize the special cells in your body for the powers. You see, your character has the ability to hold special powers such as an electrical bolt, flame, fire, and random of other goodies to throw out against your enemies. These cost EVE, and EVE Hypos restores your EVE bar. ADAM buys you more powers...
In the end, you’re just one major bad ass that can destroy enemies within a heartbeat if this was real.
These enemies are hunting down these Little Sisters because, as stated, are carrying ADAM. Splicers are deformed humans on Rapture who are just insane, messed up creatures who used a bit more Plasmids, which are processed ADAM... Your abilities that you gain throughout the game, as well as Rapture’s Civil War that took place. These guys murdered a LOT of the people who lived in Rapture due to their deformities because how they abused ADAM. As stated, ADAM is like a drug, and what do drugs do in the real world when they’re overused? They mess your brain up like what a frying pan does to a single egg.
This is what you have to face in Rapture when you’re Jack. Poor mind-slave Jack. Did I tell you that you’re basically a slave in the hands of a powerful being that you wouldn’t think possible? Yeah, unfortunately, who you thought was your friend, turns out to be an impersonator. Atlas isn’t Atlas, he’s Frank Fontaine, smuggling, mobster-like s.o.b. who challenged Andrew Ryan’s claim over the city... which turned into its downfall. Atlas is really dead. Fontaine has been commanding you to do this and to do that by a simple phrase of, “Would you kindly.” And by doing so, you do it. “A man chooses, a slave obeys,” another saying in Bioshock that is really important.
Andrew Ryan is an enemy, but he isn’t really your enemy, just Fontaine’s enemy. But you do kill him, and Fontaine.
That’s all I really want to spoil for Bioshock if you guys haven’t gotten a chance to play Bioshock... But I thought it would be interesting to note some big twist in the game.
The second one is even more interesting. How so? Well... Let me first begin by telling you that you get to play as a Big Daddy. Yes, you are in control of the giant s.o.b.’s that you were fighting against in the first game. You do get to destroy them again in this game, but having to be as one is just... awesome, you know?
So, you’re a Big Daddy, anything else that’s different? Well yeah! The fact that you can actually have one of the Little Sisters helping you obtain more ADAM for yourself rather than having a decision to “Rescue” or “Harvest” them when you encounter them. You have the ability to “Adopt” if you want to be good for a bit and have them scout out corpses throughout the levels for you to get more ADAM. Of course, you still have the option to “Harvest” them whether you just defeated a Big Daddy or you’re done gathering more ADAM with her. If you’re more towards the kind-hearted side, you can always “Rescue” them.
But, there’s a downside to when you’re freeing them... The Big Sisters. Now, for those who haven’t even touched Bioshock 2 yet but have played Bioshock 1, let me begin by telling you that the Big Sisters are worse than the Big Daddies. Yeah, they’re faster, they throw more at you, such as fire bombs, and they have this annoying scream that just pierces your ears. So guys, try not to play this game on full blast. They scream before you encounter them, letting you know that a fight is about to happen. Honestly, freezing them and shooting them works for me.
What is the story for this game? How can a Big Daddy have a lot happen to him to where an entire game is focused on him? Well, you had a Little Sister adopted, Eleanor. She was truly your Little Sister... But a woman name Sofia Lamb was not going to stand by for this. In fact, Eleanor is her daughter. She didn’t like the fact that you adopted her daughter. So what she did to you instead? She made you shoot yourself with that mind-control like what Jack suffered in the first game.
Your objective is to search for Eleanor... years later after this incident happened. Throughout the story, she helps you by giving you presents behind her mother’s back, mostly plasmids, and she also has a message to leave behind on why she’s doing this and hoping that you come rescue her as fast as you can. Throughout the game though, you’re going to find yourself hating Sofia Lamb more and more with what she has to say to you.
In this game, there’s something new added to the game. There’s going to be NPC’s (non-playable characters) that you will encounter, and you have the chance to either just let them be or kill them right on the spot. Of course, whatever you decide to do either has dire consequences or could help you.
Both of these games has endings that depends on your actions throughout the game. The kinder you are to the Little Sisters in the first game, you get the good ending, which means if you didn’t harvest any of them, you get a nice ending in the end. If you harvested the Little Sisters, however, you’re going to get a bad ending. In Bioshock 2, it’s the same thing, if you rescued more than you harvest, you get the good ending, if you harvested more than you rescued, you get the bad ending. You also have to not kill the NPCs too to have a good ending, or if you kill them, you’ll get the bad ending... Well, killing them will not definitely get you a bad ending just like that, it’ll progress your character’s ending towards the bad direction.
Sofia’s fate in the second game depends on your actions... Let’s just say that without really spoiling anything... As well as Eleanor’s actions... The ending effects that as well.
Last but not least, we have Bioshock Infinite that’s going to be released really, really soon. I cannot wait. This time, you’re playing as Booker DeVitt, and you have a partner name Elizabeth, who’s got incredible powers that will help you along the way. Although, keeping her around is going to leave you guys facing Songbird. You know how throughout Bioshock, you were facing a Big Daddy and in Bioshock 2, you were facing a Big Sister... both who were on ground for most of the fight? (Despite that a Big Sister can jump around like crazy) Yeah well, Songbird... flies. (It shouldn’t have been hard to notice that since “bird” is in its name) This thing is after Elizabeth. Oh, and did I forget to mention that you’re not in Rapture anymore? Instead, you’re in a sky city called Columbia. I’m not really going to spoil anything or talk more into depth about what this game is because the trailers do most of the talking for you.
Bioshock is an awesome game literally with no flaws at all. The only minor annoying thing that this game has is when you’re play it for the very first time and it has to load... That loading time takes such a long time to load, you know... But still, this game is clearly flawless and I truly recommend to anyone who enjoys thrillers, first-person shooters, and into a very detailed story to get this game. You don’t want to miss a beat with it!
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